Saturday, November 29, 2014

Cyber Monday Sale at Fantanomicon Press

Greetings Friends!

Well, it's that time of year again....  We've put away the leftover turkey and that means it's time to begin the holiday shopping!  So here at Fantonomicon Press, we're starting our Cyber Monday Sale a little bit early and we've knocked all our Printable Pawns down to

50% OFF!

That's right!

50% OFF ALL Printable Pawns!

Now is the time to get ém folks, so act fast because this sale ends Monday night!

Happy Holidays and
Good Adventuring from

Tim at Fantanomicon Press

Cyber Monday eBook Sale

Well friends, it's that time again.  Where does the year go?  It seems like we just ushered in a new year, and yet we just put away leftover turkey.  And if we put away the leftover turkey, that means it's time to start shopping for the holidays.

So with that in mind, I'm announcing that I, too, am holding a Cyber Monday sale on all the eBooks that I sell through DriveThru Fiction! 

Both Strange Worlds of Lunacy and A Fistful of Hollers, two humor anthologies originally published by CyberAliens Press and sold at a retail price of $5 are on sale for LESS than HALF price!

Abandoned Towers Presents the First Annual Artist's Challenge, a fantasy anthology inspired by a painted by fantasy artist Johnney Perkins.  Originally published by Ancient Tomes Press and sold at a retail price of $5, now on sale for LESS than HALF price!

The Alphanauts' Legacy, a Bradley Brackett space adventure, published by Fantanomicon Press and sold for $3, is now on sale for 25% OFF!

The sale runs through Monday, so NOW is the TIME to GET them! 

Just click HERE to go to the store page!

Happy Holidays Everybody!