Saturday, July 20, 2013

The Frugal GM reviews Printable Pawns

Hiya Folks!

As you probably know, I design paper miniatures for role-playing games.  The product line is Printable Pawns, and they are published by Fantanomicon Press, and sold through DriveThruRPG.  Well, I just learned that someone wrote a review on their blog about my miniatures!

A very special thanks to Christopher Stogdill at The Frugal GM for taking the time and trouble to share his opinions about my Printable Pawns.  This is the very first review that I am aware of to appear somewhere other than DriveThru/RPGNow. 

Further thanks for the various points, both good and bad that you expressed.  It is very encouraging to know that you found so many positive features to my product, and that you appreciate them enough to share that appreciation with the online gaming community and all of cyberspace.  Thank you again!

If you would like to read Mr. Stogdill's thoughtful review of my Printable Pawns, you can find it at his gaming blog, The Frugal GM , where he discusses several useful products and tools to enhance your gaming experience!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Big News from Big Pulp

So I've got some news to share...

Big Pulp Magazine is having a special pre-order offer going on right now at IndieGoGo!  This campaign features the new monkey-themed issue "ApeS#!+" and the new summer issue.  This is very exciting for me, because I have a story in each one.  Also available are other anthologies, back issues, and plush monkeys!  More details can be found by clicking RIGHT HERE.

"ApeS#!+" features my Phantom Sleuth story "The Case of the Accursed Amulet" in which the Sleuth must retrieve an ancient Chinese relic from a criminal mastermind and his murderous pet monkey.

The summer issue features my story "A Bad Deal on Hollux Two", starring galactic mercenary "Blaster" Bork Hobba, who was first introduced in the Bradley Brackett novel "The Alphanauts' Legacy" (available as pdf here and for Kindle here).  Newly reformed, the ex-gangster tries to go straight but gets pulled into a shady deal involving stolen medicine.  He suspected a double-cross and he was double-right!

But you have to get these issues of Big Pulp Magazine to read the stories!  So check out the offer at IndieGoGo!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

The Alphanauts' Legacy Available For Download

Howdy Folks!

I am pleased to announce that my novella-length Bradley Brackett adventure "The Alphanauts' Legacy" is not only available for the Kindle, but is also available as a downloadable PDF from my new store at DriveThru Fiction!

Monday, April 8, 2013

The Adventures of Bradley Brackett On Kindle

Howdy Folks!

I am proud to announce that I have a story now available in the Kindle store at Amazon. 

Two-fisted space opera action in the style of the classic pulps!

Captain Bradley Brackett and his team of Galactic Patrol officers are assigned to investigate a robbery performed by a bloodthirsty group of alien bandits.  With the dubious assistance of three mercenaries, hired by one of the robbery victims, Brackett and his team embark on a star-spanning adventure where they encounter vicious alien animals, a murderous group of mobsters, and an eccentric cult who seek to learn the secrets of the first race to achieve space travel--an extinct civilization known as the Alphanauts!

Based on the online serial "The Adventures of Bradley Brackett of the Galactic Patrol".