Thursday, July 3, 2014

Fantanomicon Press Independence Day Sale!

Happy Independence Day everybody!

It's the Fourth of July and that usually means backyard barbecues, fireworks, and holiday sales!  I didn't want to be left out so I decided to run a sale, too, drastically reducing our already low prices. The sale lasts all weekend, but...

TODAY ONLY all of our Printable Pawns are 50% OFF!

That's right, friends, every one of our Printable Pawns sets --each with sixteen different characters on three different basing styles available in both color and black-and-white, making of a total of 96 figures PER SET-- is on sale for HALF PRICE TODAY ONLY! Don't miss it!

Visit our store page by clicking HERE.

Have a happy and safe holiday, everybody, and...

Good Adventuring!
Tim at Fantanomicon Press