Monday, December 14, 2009

New Episode of Bradley Brackett

That's right, Episode Three is up, right now! You can read it right here:

And the audio version can be found at Abandoned Towers Magazine, right here:

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hey, just found out about a pretty good review for the Abandoned Towers First Annual Artist's Challenge Anthology. It's over at Tangent, and you can read it here:

(It really is my story, but I think I'm the author who's name got MISspelled! But the review is good!)

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Bradley Brackett Episode Two

Is up now, over on the Bradley Brackett blog, courtesy of Abandoned Towers Magazine! You can find the blog here:

Abandoned Towers Magazine can be found here:

AND the audio version of Episode Two was featured on the Beam Me Up Podcast #183! You can find them here:

Things go from bad to worse for our stalwart patrolman! Find out what happens! See if he manages his daring escape! Stay tuned to see what happens next time!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Bradley Brackett Audio Version

And now, you can HEAR the ongoing adventures of Captain Bradley Brackett too! Where? Why over at ABANDONED TOWERS MAGAZINE, of course! Click the link on the Home Page (you CAN'T miss it)! A NEW audio episode will be posted every month along with the Blog update! So remember, Cadets, tune in to THE ADVENTURES OF BRADLEY BRACKETT each month on the 15th! You can find the story link on the ABANDONED TOWERS Serial Page! You can find the audio episode on the ABANDONED TOWERS Home Page! Don't miss it!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Bradley Brackett Episode One is Up

That's right, folks, the very first episode of THE ADVENTURES OF BRADLEY BRACKETT OF THE GALACTIC PATROL is now up live! Where can you see it? Why, right at the end of this handy link:

I hope everyone likes it!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Brand New Serial

Hiya folks! I got me something to brag about!

I got me an ongoing monthly serial, starting this month! That's right, folks, THE ADVENTURES OF BRADLEY BRACKETT OF THE GALACTIC PATROL starts this Thursday, courtesy of the discerning folks over at ABANDONED TOWERS MAGAZINE!

WHAT is it?
It's a rip-roarin', old-fashioned space adventure, in the tradition of classic heroes like Flash Gordon and Buck Rogers! You want sleek, silvery rocketships screaming through space in gut-wrenching chases? We got 'em! You want menacing alien warlords, little green men, and bug-eyed monsters? We got 'em! You want scantily-attired moon princesses? Well, we got them, too!

WHEN is it?
A new spine-tingling episode goes live on the 15th of every month! Why the 15th? Well, that's so you have some time to check out whatever other publications you're interested in that come out at the beginning of the month. By the time you're done with them, a new episode of THE ADVENTURES OF BRADLEY BRACKETT OF THE GALACTIC PATROL will come out to help you get through the month!

WHO is responsible for this?
It's me, Timothy A. Sayell, the author who brought you the biased imperial storyteller, Gandaramathrus, in BUY THE SWORD and THE CRYSTAL CAGE, and post-apocalyptic swordswoman-princess, Arista, in THE FALL OF FAUK TORAUM! Now, I'm working in concert with Crystalwizard and ABANDONED TOWERS MAGAZINE to bring you this new, exciting serial!

WHERE can you find it?
You can find it at the other end of this handy link:

SEE aggressive alien beasts! HEAR the roar of rockets! SMELL the ozone in the wake of a laser battle!

Thanks for reading this, and I hope to see you there, because in space, no one can hear you gasp!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Audio Story featured on Beam Me Up

Hey, I've got something I can actually brag about here! This past Saturday, Paul Cole over at the Beam Me Up Podcast featured one my stories. The story is "A Single Snapped String", originally published in the CyberAliens Press anthology "Strange Worlds of Lunacy".

Many thanks to Paul for featuring the story on the podcast! Hopefully, I'll have some more stuff for ya, that's actually more suited to your preferred science and science-fiction format!

In case anyone wants to check it out, here is a link to the Beam Me Up Podcast episode:

Brand new Blog!

Well, after the urging (read: constant, well-intentioned nagging) of certain eager and helpful editors, I finally broke down and made myself a blog! This is going to be the one and only Official Blog of fantasy and sci-fi author Timothy A. Sayell. Wow, that sure makes it sound important, doesn't it?

Anyway, here I shall share random thoughts, whatever interesting insights I might happen to stumble across, and news about my writing, probably with a teaser or two. So, I guess this is the 'fair warning'! Hope to come up with something to post, so the whole thing isn't blank!

Thanks for reading! See ya later!